Thursday, June 19, 2014

Monthly Updates

I need to get back on track with my monthly updates for the boys.  They are growing so quickly!  Klive will be two years old in less than a month and Kalvin just turned four months. 
Lets start with Klive. 
Klive has had a lot of changes take place in his life.  He has to adjust to staying at home instead of going to daycare.  Yes, I am so thrilled to now be staying home with my boys.  It is such a blessing that I am so incredibly thankful for.  He has also had to adjust to sharing his Papa and Mommy.

Klive is a great big brother.  He often pats Kalvin or kisses him.  And if Kalvin is not in the room with us he looks at me and says, "baby."  He likes to bring me burp cloths for the baby.  Klive also adores his Papa.  He imitates him often and looks forward to wrestling with him in the evenings.
Klive is extremely social and we are seeing this come out more and more.  We have to walk through the church on Sundays before we take him to his class.  He loves saying hi to people he sees and roaming around.  Our Children's Minister is just waiting for the day he can be a greeter at the front doors.  It makes this Momma proud to see the smiles that my joyful boy brings to peoples' faces.
Of course nearing two years old also comes with some challenges.  Klive has been testing boundaries just like all toddlers.  It's definitely been interesting.  His facial expressions crack us up.

Klive still is obsessed with fruit and cheese.  His favorite veggie right now is broccoli.  He would rather be outside than just about anywhere else.  And he loves Thomas the Train.  In fact that is his favorite word.  He says "Thomas" constantly.  It's pretty cute the way he says it too.  He's added quite a few new words, such as Grandpa, Mimi, strawberry, and cold.

Kalvin is a very happy baby.  He also loves to eat and take cat naps.  Unlike his brother, he is not crazy about his swing or his bouncer.  He does enjoy his playmat though.

Kalvin watches Klive like a hawk.  You can already see that he adores his big brother.
These pictures were taken on Easter Sunday.  My sweet little men.

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